Let’s play dress up
Sunday – Amsterdam Monday – Amsterdam Tuesday – Oxford Wednesday – London Thursday – London Friday – London Saturday – York Sunday – York Monday – Zurich Tuesday – Zurich Wednesday – Zurich Thursday – Madrid Friday – Ascot Saturday – Oxford Sunday – San Francisco Monday – San Francisco Tuesday – San Francisco Wednesday […]
When I was working on my doctorate, I reviewed thousands of documents: court records, wills, rent rolls, correspondence, petitions, tax records, censuses, parish registers, minutes of city or privy council meetings, and perhaps a dozen other types. In most cases, they offered only fleeting glimpses of the people who lived and worked and died in […]
“It is clear that such agreement will be limited in inverse proportion to the homogeneity and the similarity of outlook and tradition possessed by the inhabitants of the area. Although, in the national state, the submission to the will of a majority will be facilitated by the myth of nationality, it must be clear that […]
This pub was renovated in 2009 and is now a single-family house.
It’s HM The Queen’s diamond jubilee, but I wonder what would happen if we extended it to everyone… Over the weekend I read a review of a couple new books about debt in the LRB. The review itself is definitely worth a read, as does Debt: The First 5000 Years by David Graeber. Now I disagree […]
pub tower mews 90
If you’re in Britain, you should definitely listen to this week’s episode of The Choir before the iPlayer version expires in a week. It’s called ‘The American Sardinians’: In January 2011 four Americans, under the name ‘Tenores de Aterue’, shared their home-grown passion for Sardinian singing with a video performance on YouTube. To their amazement […]
Andrew and I are reading listening to Howards End right now. It’s my favourite novel. It’s my 7th or 8th time going through it, but I always learn new things. It’s Andrew’s first time, and he’s enjoying it too, though he says it’s a bit slower going than the Hunger Games. Who would have thought? […]
Yesterday Andrew and I celebrated the 6th anniversary of the first time we met. We tend to celebrate just about every date we can remember from the progression of our relationship: meeting (18 May) first ‘date’ (7 June), the infamous surprise (15 June), moving in together (11 Jan), going steady (11 Feb), engagement (13 March), […]