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The next few weeks are mad

Sunday – Amsterdam Monday – Amsterdam Tuesday – Oxford Wednesday – London Thursday – London Friday – London Saturday – York Sunday – York Monday – Zurich Tuesday – Zurich Wednesday – Zurich Thursday – Madrid Friday – Ascot Saturday – Oxford Sunday – San Francisco Monday – San Francisco Tuesday – San Francisco Wednesday […]

Would this be awesome of awful?

Andrew and I are reading listening to Howards End right now. It’s my favourite novel. It’s my 7th or 8th time going through it, but I always learn new things. It’s Andrew’s first time, and he’s enjoying it too, though he says it’s a bit slower going than the Hunger Games. Who would have thought? […]

Signs I’m getting older

Yesterday Andrew and I celebrated the 6th anniversary of the first time we met. We tend to celebrate just about every date we can remember from the progression of our relationship: meeting (18 May) first ‘date’ (7 June), the infamous surprise (15 June), moving in together (11 Jan), going steady (11 Feb), engagement (13 March), […]

A new project…

As I mentioned last week, we’ve moved offices. And (joy of joys) I can see the entrance to (and the roof of) the British Museum from my desk. Well, I’ve thought of something to do with this amazing opportunity: I’m going to go through the hundred objects in the BBC Radio 4’s fantastic 2010 series […]

A new office

We moved offices over the weekend. The new one is absolutely amazing. Here, for example, is the view from the gym. It’s a 22 minute walk from our flat, which is pretty great. I can even see our block of flats from my desk. And St Pancras. And the roof of the British Museum. Possibly […]

Not duty, but joy

Once or twice a year, I find myself in Dublin for work. It’s a nice enough city. Like Amsterdam, the hotels are (on the whole) disappointing, but the Guiness is good and I enjoy both the compactness of the city centre and the weather. Also, the food in our office has improved dramatically in recent […]

The house hunt

Today marks five years since Andrew and I started going steady. The incident that precipitated that decision was both alarming and hilarious, and ended with me trying to lean against a fence which was really a gate and falling backwards down 3 steps where I landed flat on my back in a giant puddle while […]

Resort time

So…the funny thing about being at a resort and doing very little other than lying on the beach (in the shade, obviously) reading between meals is that time rather collapses. It’s been a few days since I posted, but there’s not been all that much going on to put together an update. Here’s my best […]


Today I went swimming in the Indian Ocean. My wedding ring slipped off when I was in about 4 feet of water. It fell into the sand and disappeared from view. I tried to reach down and feel it, but I couldn’t find it in the sand. And Andrew was about 40 yards away on […]


So far on this trip, we’ve not had more than 3 days in one place. This has been good for Andrew, who likes to have new things to do, but it doesn’t satisfy my deep desire to do absolutely nothing. In my daily life I spend so much time doing things (rushing places and moving […]