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A beach town

Two posts in one day! We took a slightly scenic route to Plettenberg Bay–off the main highway and along the whale route. We didn’t see any whales, but there was plenty of beautiful scenery.

Finding breakfast proved more difficult than we had anticipated, but we finally made it back to our hotel, where they had quite a good buffet. Andrew had an omelet with ham & cheese, and tons of fruit. I finally found some yogurt, and also sampled all 6 varieties of sausage they had on offer.

We got to our hotel here (the NH Plettenberg Bay) at about 5pm. It’s fine. Nothing to right home about. Not my best hotel choice in history, but oh well. It’s clean and our room is giant and has a private terrace…though I really do think hotels should warn you that their “king” beds are just two singles pushed together. I’d rather be in a queen at that point. Anyway.

We read by the pool for 90 minutes then Andrew went for a run into town, then we ate in the hotel restaurant. Also meh. Andrew had calamari and a sirloin steak with onion gravy. I had tomato soup (which was actually very good) and a rib eye with blue cheese. The wine was a very good Leaping Leopard Shiraz. We even bought an extra bottle to take back to our room.

We just watched the Downton Abbey Christmas special. We both cried. It was pretty great. Now time for bed.

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