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…on tradition (or: Merry Christmas!)

Most people have an aversion to change that is strong, bordering on irrational. I remember several years ago my employer changed the width of the border on the left hand of one of our main web pages. I was flabbergasted by the vitriolic hate (e)mail we got from users. I can’t claim to be particularly good […]

Now we are six

Birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday. And since I have neither the ability nor the inclination to avoid available A A Milne references, I offer you this: When I was one, I had just begun. When I was two, I was nearly new. When I was three, I was hardly me. When I was four, I was not much […]

Too early to say

There’s an apocryphal story according to which Zhou Enlai–China’s premier from 1949-76–was supposedly asked about the effects of the French Revolution. “It’s too early to say”, was his response. Leaving aside that the exchange didn’t happen, I think it’s a brilliant sentiment. It also seems on the brink of being extremely applicable. The 1919 Treaty of […]

Something to which I can aspire…

“More adjusted than most to his own wants and necessities, and so better able to accommodate other people’s, he was an exemplary person to work with.” -Mary-Kay Wilmers on the late Peter Campbell.

Happy Thanksgiving

One of my favourite things about this country has always been that it’s often difficult, based on weather alone, to determine whether it’s December or February or July or September. In previous years, that consistent weather has always been low clouds, heavy drizzle and a permeating chill. This year that characteristic and charming weather has still […]

Overheard in the office

“I would, but it would be dirty.”


Things have seemed extraordinarily busy of late. I used to think that December was over once it has started since there were so many things to do. This year, that manic end-of-year rush seems to have expanded to include the whole of the fourth quarter. Part of the feeling may be a hangover from the […]

The fifth estate?

A note: I started drafting this on Tuesday, but then got caught up in work and finished it today. Much ink has been spilt in recent weeks discussiong the extent to which the influence of the European Union (and specifically European Commission) over recent changes of government in Greece and Italy represent an undermining of […]


One of the materials they use for paving London streets uses a finer-grained material than the others. It’s used for surfacing bike & bus lanes, but I’ve also noticed that there are a few places, like where High Holborn meets Drury Lane. Anyway, I’ve noticed this alternate paving surface because when someone drives over a […]

Rules for invitations

I promised to include a series of posts on rules for a more satisfying [modern] life. So far I’ve done posts on bicycling and drinking, and a more general post on the concept of paintballable offences. So here’s one on invitations, Rsvps and events. In my personal experience, it has always seemed as if the advent […]