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Last night of honeymoon

Did I mention it’s pretty here?

Resort time

So…the funny thing about being at a resort and doing very little other than lying on the beach (in the shade, obviously) reading between meals is that time rather collapses. It’s been a few days since I posted, but there’s not been all that much going on to put together an update. Here’s my best […]


Today I went swimming in the Indian Ocean. My wedding ring slipped off when I was in about 4 feet of water. It fell into the sand and disappeared from view. I tried to reach down and feel it, but I couldn’t find it in the sand. And Andrew was about 40 yards away on […]


So far on this trip, we’ve not had more than 3 days in one place. This has been good for Andrew, who likes to have new things to do, but it doesn’t satisfy my deep desire to do absolutely nothing. In my daily life I spend so much time doing things (rushing places and moving […]

A bit of a downer

Brief update today. It was our only full day in Johannesburg, so we made the most of it by sleeping in until 10. We went to breakfast on the terrace (fruit and then pancakes for both of us). The view over the northern suburbs was lovely. Then we went to the gym. Then Keats came […]

Onward to Joburg

So begins the penultimate leg of our honeymoon. Today we flew from Cape Town up to Johannesburg. We’re here for two nights before we head to Mauritius on Saturday. We got up at about 8 and read for a little bit before packing and then heading to breakfast. We’ll miss Franschhoek a lot, but move […]

So so high

I’m a morning person, but there are limits. We got up at 4am today to go hot air ballooning. Andrew, being worried that we WOULDN’T get up at 4am, set an alarm and a backup alarm even though the woman who runs Wineland Ballooning promised to give us a wakeup call to let us know […]

Franschhoek may be paradise

I’ve always wondered whether I prefer a mountain village or a beach town. This morning that was settled decisively in favour of the mountain village. It could be an unfair battle, since the view from our room here at La Petite Ferme is breathtakingly beautiful. But our view from The Clarendon in Cape Town was […]

To the wine country (A guest blog from Andrew)

Anthony has grown bored of all this blogging so I shall write up what we did today. After a final breakfast at the guest house (I got the french toast again, and Anthony had the scrambled eggs), we packed and then headed to the beach in Capt Town one last time, to Clifton 3 (where […]

Like a sandblaster

Today we took a beautiful drive, but we also got sandblasted and ate at a place that sounds like an American all-you-can-eat buffet. Having been regularly thwarted by clouds in our efforts to visit Table Mountain, today we decided to head south. First we had breakfast at the hotel–have I mentioned the view is Amazing? […]